Employer matching gift programs allow you to team up and combine your employee benefit and donation to St. Jude to make a greater impact. If your employer matches gifts, your donation can be doubled or tripled to nonprofit organizations, like St. Jude. You can make the most of a qualifying corporate matching gift program in a few simple steps:
Step 1:
See if your donations are match eligible
Search our database to see if your employer matches St. Jude gifts. You may be able to use a previous donation or need to make another.
Step 2:
Review matching gift instructions
After locating your company, select it to get specific instructions on how your gift can qualify for your company's matching gift program.
Step 3:
Submit your match request
Follow your company-specific matching gift instructions found in our database to have your St. Jude donation doubled or tripled by your employer.

How do I submit my completed form?
You can find instructions for accessing your matching gift form when you search for your employer’s name and get a “Yes” result. The employee should complete the matching gift form according to their company’s donation matching instructions. If you’re the spouse of the matching gift company’s employee, please ensure you include your spouse’s name.
If instructed to do so, you can submit your completed form to:
Email: matchinggifts@stjude.org
Fax number:(901) 578-2809
Or mail:
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
ATTN: Matching Gifts
501 St. Jude Place
Memphis, TN 38105
Questions? Call us: (800) 871-2759

Art by St. Jude patient Diana
What is a matching gift?
A matching gift is when a person donates to a nonprofit organization and their employer donates an equal or greater amount to the same nonprofit. A matching gift can be a great way for you to double or triple your initial donation. You and your employer’s generosity can help St. Jude in finding cures for childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
Your personal contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. Your employer may also be able to deduct their portion of the matched gift.
Why are matching gifts a powerful way to contribute?
One of the most common types of corporate giving, matching gift programs are a way employers and employees can collaborate to make more impactful charitable contributions. Matching funds can be offered as part of a larger corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative.
As an added benefit, matching gifts can boost employees' morale.* Philanthropy has become closely tied to employee satisfaction. A matching gift program is a simple and effective way to engage employees, while contributing to the mission of St. Jude.
Donations from generous matching programs help ensure families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food — so they can focus on helping their child live.
*Findings from EDGE Research 2018; percentages based on 5,000 full-time employees

Art by St. Jude patient Ty
They're changing people's lives here.
Beckett's dad, Brett

St. Jude patient Beckett

Support the lifesaving mission of St. Jude
Every matched gift makes an impact on the lives of St. Jude kids and their families.
A $50 donation could cover one red wagon
Your matched gift helps provide one red wagon for St. Jude patients.
(Example: $50 donation + company match = $100, or the equivalent cost of one red wagon.*)
Artwork by Gabby, sibling of St. Jude patient Isabella
A $100 donation could cover eight days of meals for one patient
Your matched gift helps provide eight days of meals for one St. Jude patient.
(Example: $100 donation + company match = $200, or the equivalent cost of eight days of meals for one patient.*)
Artwork inspired by St. Jude patient Madison
A $250 donation could cover two days of oxygen
Your matched gift helps provide two days of oxygen for a St. Jude patient.
(Example: $250 donation + company match = $500, or the equivalent cost of two days of oxygen.*)
Artwork by St. Jude patient Gavyn
A $500 donation could cover 250 IV bags
Your matched gift helps provide 250 IV bags for St. Jude patients.
(Example: $500 donation + company match = $1,000, or the equivalent cost of 250 IV bags for patients.*)
Artwork by Kamara, sibling of St. Jude patient Ronald
A $1,000 donation could cover six airfares for a parent and child
Your matched gift helps provide six airfares for a parent and child.
(Example: $1,000 donation + company match = $2,000, or the equivalent cost of six airfares for a parent and child.*)
Artwork by St. Jude patient Mya
*When you make a donation using this information, your donation will be used to provide breakthrough research, treatment and cures. Items listed here are representative of services and supplies that are part of the treatment and care of children at St. Jude. The cost of each item or service is an approximation, and will vary based on actual costs incurred and individual patient needs. Your donation will be used for the general operating needs of St. Jude, where no family ever receives a bill for treatment, lodging, travel or food.

Employer matching donations FAQ
A matching gift is when a person donates to a nonprofit organization and their employer donates an equal or greater amount to the same nonprofit.
A matching gift can be a great way to double or triple your initial donation. You and your employer's generosity can help St. Jude find cures for childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Therefore, your personal contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. Your employer may also be able to deduct their portion of the matched gift.
Operating since 1962, St. Jude is a nonprofit charity. Our federal tax identification number is 62-0646012.
If you can't find your employer in the list, there is a good chance it is not in the database. To help encourage your employer to match gifts to St. Jude, you can use our templated email or download a printable letter and submit your request to your HR department.
If your company would like to feature St. Jude as a beneficiary for employee giving efforts, please email us at workplacegiving@stjude.org. We’d be happy to help you start promoting St. Jude in your workplace.
You can submit your completed form to:
Email: matchinggifts@stjude.org
Fax number: (901) 578-2809Or mail to:
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
ATTN: Matching Gifts
501 St. Jude Place
Memphis, TN 38105 -
If a company doesn't approve a matching gift, the company will contact both the employee and the organization with the reason the match was rejected. Most often, a donation match is rejected because the donation amount isn’t within the matching gift program parameters specified by the company.
It can take two to four weeks to process the matching donations form.
From there, the length of time it takes for your company to mail a donation match check can vary.
If your employer's matching gift program approves the donation match, your employer will send a check for the employer match according to company guidelines. You may contact your employer directly to find out how often matching gift checks are processed and mailed.
Matching gift guidelines are established by each company. Deadlines for submitting a matching gift claim vary from 30 days to more than one year from the gift date.
If you make recurring donations, please consider the specific guidelines for your employer’s matching gifts program. If you have any questions, please contact our Matching Gifts team at matchinggifts@stjude.org or by calling (800) 871-2759.
Many companies extend their matching gifts program to match their retiree’s gifts. To find out if your gifts qualify, please visit our Matching Gifts page to search for your former employer.
Many companies extend their matching gifts program to match the gift of their employee’s spouses. Search for your employer to find out if your employer will match your spouse’s gifts.
Please indicate the name of the fund or foundation that the gift was from on the matching gift form so we can verify your matching gift. If you made your gift online, please contact us at matchinggifts@stjude.org to inform us of the organization name and address from which the donation was sent.
Also, please include the approximate date the check was mailed, the donation amount, your name and address and a daytime phone number, so we may contact you if we have any questions.
More questions?
Please contact our Matching Gifts department if you have additional questions. You can reach us at matchinggifts@stjude.org or by calling (800) 871-2759.
All other inquiries should be directed to Donor Services at (800) 822-6344.
Other ways to give in the workplace