Melissa Santiago, MPH, MPA
- Program Manager – Health Systems
Melissa is a dedicated public health advocate with over nine years of program and project management experience, who has specialized in oncology, epidemiology, behavioral science and public policy.
Effective at leveraging strategic partnerships, using quality improvement methodologies and harnessing data to create impactful solutions, Melissa has most recently served as the American Cancer Society’s Program Manager on the Interventions and Implementation team and as the Cancer Control Strategic Partnerships Manager. She has managed a portfolio of 80 grant-funded projects while engaging with collaborators including CDC, alongside ministries, non-governmental organizations, industry partners, state coalitions, health systems, and payors.
Melissa has also served as a Cancer Control Committee Member in the Health Council of South Florida, contributing strategic input to the Governor of Florida and to legislation on cancer control, research, and health equity.
In her new role, Melissa will help strengthen interventions and partnerships, such as the Nexus of Policies and Systems (NexPoS) global network, including activities in essential diagnostics and medicines, national cancer control planning, referral systems, and ongoing work as the WHO Collaborating Centre for Childhood Cancer and harnessing data to create impactful solutions.
Melissa holds dual Masters in Public Administration and Public Health from the University of Miami and is deeply committed to advancing health equity and improving health outcomes.
Currently living in Atlanta, Georgia, Melissa enjoys an active lifestyle. In her free time, she can often be found playing tennis, exploring new destinations and hiking new trails.