Over the past 60 years, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® has grown in size and capabilities for one special reason: we believe that children all over the world deserve an equal chance at survival. With your support, We can work toward our goal of helping every child with cancer everywhere.
The Purpose that Unites Us - 60 years of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
For 60 years, supporters of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital have been united around one purpose: That no child should die in the dawn of life.
Ira Jackson: Inspiring his replacement
Near the end of his life, longtime St. Jude donor Ira Jackson had just one question: Who will take my place?
Jason Farmer: Giving back to St. Jude
Jason Farmer, a volunteer and long-time supporter of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, talks about his family's participation in the nutrition and wellness program at the research hospital when he was a child growing up in an impoverished Memphis neighborhood during the civil rights era.
Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo, MD: Improving care on a global scale
When he came to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital from his native Spain, Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo, MD, only planned to stay for a year. But after nearly three decades in the United States, he now is the director of St. Jude Global, which aims to improve care for children with cancer around the world.
Gladys Abi-Najm: Creating a legacy of generosity through Lebanese food
Through her restaurant business, Gladys Abi-Najm has introduced Americans to the joys of Lebanese cuisine, one piece of pita bread at a time. Her family's heritage is what unites her with St. Jude.
Miriam Dillard Stroud: The goal is a cure
When Miriam Dillard Stroud graduated from college, she applied to 31 jobs, trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. Fortunately, St. Jude was the first to call back.
Kenzie: Passing joy on to other patients
After successful treatment at St. Jude, Kenzie says she hopes to work at the research hospital one day, to bring joy to other children like her doctors did for her.
Tim Wang: Promoting inclusivity and service to others
Tim Wang, the founder and principal of TDW+Co, serves on the Pacific Northwest Advisory Council of ALSAC, the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude. Wang's sense of service is driven by his love for his community and his commitment to promote inclusivity in the world.
Sarah Ford: Living a full, healthy life
After she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 1985, Sarah Ford's doctor referred her to St. Jude to take advantage of groundbreaking treatment the research hospital was providing. There's a family story about what her doctor told her parents: That they would all, one day, be dancing at her wedding.
Maria Chandler: Helping Hispanic families at St. Jude
Maria Chandler, one of the first Hispanic volunteers at St. Jude, has been helping Spanish-speaking patients and their families at the research hospital since 1985.
Luis Fonsi: Singing the praises of St. Jude
Singer Luis Fonsi first visited St. Jude about 15 years ago. After experiencing the mission first-hand, he says he left with "a smile and a desire to share about St. Jude with the entire world."
Justin Baker, MD: Finding reasons to celebrate
Dr. Baker is head of Quality of Life and Palliative Care at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and, surprisingly, finds a lot to celebrate. “It helps me dream, it helps patients and families dream,” he said.
St. Jude dad Chris: Searching for a cure for sickle cell disease
Chris first joined the St. Jude family in a way no one would choose: as a patient dad. Determined to contribute to finding a cure for the sickle cell disease that afflicts his two daughters, he now works as a lab technician at St. Jude.
St. Jude dad Rob: Celebrating second chances
A few years ago, Rob was focused on his business, making money and providing for his family. But with his daughter's cancer diagnosis, his priorities changed.
James Downing, MD: Part of the mission
When James Downing, MD first came to St. Jude, he was struck by how different it was from any other place he’d ever worked. “It was really walking through those doors, meeting every person who was part of this institution, part of the mission. And it was different than anywhere else that I had been.”
Raj Betapudi: Running for a cause
Running for St. Jude is a passion that gives long-time supporter Raj Betapudi a sense of joy, and of purpose.
Anthony Brown: Finding courage in kids of St. Jude
Gospel singer Anthony Brown shares an inspiring story about how the children of St. Jude gave him courage on the red carpet, and how St. Jude is now part of his life’s purpose.
Paula Head: Honoring her daughter's memory
Paula Head lost her daughter, St. Jude patient Carson, to cancer. After her daughter’s passing, she came to work at ALSAC, the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude, and is now an advocate who represents St. Jude patients and their families. For her, Carson’s story is the purpose that unites us.
Ashtyn: A life with special purpose
Ashtyn's parents always knew she had a special purpose on earth. Now that she's doing well after treatment for medulloblastoma, they are grateful for the chance to see what her future will hold.
Ann Tack-McClure: Running for cancer research
Ann Tack-McClure has run in 73 marathons and doesn't plan to stop anytime soon. Through her running, she has raised thousands of dollars for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. A breast cancer survivor, she said she will continue to raise funds for cancer research.
Patrick Warburton: A defining role
You know his face from TV shows like 'Rules of Engagement' and his voice from animated features like 'Bee Movie.' But to see Patrick Warburton support the kids of St. Jude is to know his heart.
Damon Willis: Following lessons from mom
When Damon Willis was a kid, his mother was a nurse at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and he still remembers her coming home from work and telling her children about the young patients she cared for.
Diego Hijano, MD: Innovating at St. Jude
As an assistant member in the Infectious Diseases Department at St. Jude, Diego Hijano, MD, says that what sets St. Jude apart is the ability to be innovative with treatments and the possibility of discovering new approaches for patients.
Imani Brown: Daring to make a difference
Her mother’s act of daring in the face of injustice — and her mother's death from cancer — inspires Imani to raise the funds and awareness needed to help cure childhood cancer.
St. Jude patient Heather: Finding my passion
Heather was diagnosed with leukemia when she was 17 years old and was treated at St. Jude. Inspired by her Child Life specialists, she knew she wanted to pursue a career helping children.
Bertha Idrovo: Donating in honor of her children
Bertha Idrovo never got a chance to hold her two babies, but every month she donates to St. Jude to save lives of other youngsters.
Quincy: Finding healing at St. Jude
Quincy was treated at St. Jude for Wilms tumor, a type of kidney cancer. He hopes to return to St. Jude one day — as a surgeon helping other kids.
Leticia Barr: Inspiring younger generations
Leticia Barr's main goal in life is to inspire younger generations. She wants her kids to understand the world — and her support of St. Jude is part of the process of teaching them.
Alfa López: Spreading love and compassion through the airwaves
Radio host Alfa López has supported St. Jude for decades, participating in the Promesa y Esperanza radiothons. Her passion for St. Jude came about because she had to cope as a mother of a child with health challenges.
Alberto Pappo, MD: Inspired by a culture of excellence
Alberto Pappo, MD, is sure there’s no other place like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. He worked at St. Jude, left for a time, and came back for a compelling reason.
Tomi Abbott: A nurse donor who promotes the lifesaving mission of St. Jude
Tomi and her husband are healthcare professionals who live in Portland and believe in the lifesaving mission of St. Jude.
David Karam: Continuing a family legacy
St. Jude has been a part of David Karam’s life for as long as he can remember, starting when he volunteered at events as a child with his family. Now, as chair of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, he said, “It is a noble and honorable mission.”
Dean Troutman: Trekking with a sense of purpose
After the death of his wife, Dean Troutman began an impressive solo trek that motivated others to get involved. This inspiring 91-year-old finds purpose in helping the kids of St. Jude.
George Jalinos: Part of his DNA
As a a member of The New York St. Jude Hope and Heritage Gala, George Jalinos is a pillar in the Lebanese Syrian community, and says it's in his DNA to support the mission of St. Jude.
Judy Habib: Another circle in our lives
Growing up, Judy Habib remembers always having the community of St. Jude in her life. As a member of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, she reflects on the goodness that came out of the common struggle to build St. Jude.
Joyce Aboussie: Finding a life-long purpose
Joyce Aboussie recalls how her dad came home from a meeting with Danny Thomas and announced he planned to support the entertainer's goals, despite the family's limited resources. Now a member of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, she inherited a sense of purpose that has spanned her life and culminated in her own service.
Joseph Shaker: Reflecting on the founding of St. Jude
A member of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, Joseph Shaker says only St. Jude founder Danny Thomas could have brought everyone together for the purpose of making St. Jude.
AJ Rafael: Giving back to fulfill a father's legacy
Musician AJ Rafael used to watch his father play the piano at churches in his community in California. Now he plays to honor his legacy, and supports St. Jude in the process.
Yesenia Salgado: Supporting other parents
After the death of her son, Yesenia Salgado says she can relate to the parents and families helped by St. Jude, and finds purpose in supporting them.
Paul Ayoub: Carrying on a legacy
Paul Ayoub, Chairman of the St. Jude Board of Governors, talks about the legacy he and other early supporters inherited from Danny Thomas, and the purpose he feels to carry that dream forward to help St. Jude families.
Techniq: Streaming for St. Jude
Along with the purpose he found at St. Jude, Frank Ellerbe — known to his fans on Twitch as Techniq — gained perspective. He found it in the smiles of the children treated here.
eL Seed: Finding symmetry with St. Jude
Working mainly with Arabic calligraphy to create art that speaks of peace and unity, eL Seed says he feels a powerful symmetry with St. Jude in Memphis — from its founder Danny Thomas to its care of sick children from all over the world and its belief in the healing qualities of art.
Maggie Cupit-Link, MD: Working for ‘the kids who inspired me’
Maggie Cupit-Link, MD, was supposed to be taking a summer research job at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. But instead, she entered the doors as a patient. The experience gave her a new calling, uniting her with the mission of St. Jude.
Bobby Bones: Introducing listeners across America to St. Jude
Radio and TV personality Bobby Bones says his goal is to educate people on what’s happening at St. Jude — a place where children come from near and far for treatment. “It’s a rare thing. And that’s why I’m so passionate about it.”
Tylur French: Supporting St. Jude through art
Sculptor Tylur French's work for St. Jude is a shimmering ode to the lifesaving mission on the Memphis campus and on the seas. Work he does on behalf of the research hospital gives him clear purpose: "This is really what I'm supposed to be doing."
St. Jude nurse Teresa Street: Science and kindness
St. Jude may be Danny Thomas’ dream, but many people come together to make it a reality. For more than 20 years, St. Jude nurse Teresa Street has been one of them.
Maity Interiano: Bringing news and St. Jude to Hispanic audiences
Univision news anchor Maity Interiano says her parents instilled in her the spirit of giving from an early age, a lesson she carries on in her support of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Gloria de Dios: Building a 'mini St. Jude' in Guatemala
Gloria de Dios is known as the Danny Thomas of Guatemala. She helped establish a clinic for pediatric cancer patients that she describes as "a mini St. Jude," where survival rates have risen from 20 percent to almost 70 percent.
Leslie Ducruet: Helping children with cancer in Panama
In Panama, one of the biggest problems doctors face in regard to pediatric cancer is late diagnosis. Through education and support, Leslie Ducruet and FANLYC work to make sure children get the treatment they need.
George Simon: Working toward a day St. Jude is no longer needed
George Simon, a member of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, inherited the mission of St. Jude from his father. He looks forward to a day when there's no longer a need for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Frederick Azar, MD: Supporting the mission in Memphis
Frederick Azar, MD, vice chair of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, believes it's a point of pride as a Memphian to have St. Jude in his city and to work to support the mission.
Marlo and Tony Thomas: Making dad's dream their own
Marlo and Tony Thomas followed their famous dad, Danny, into the family businesses — show business and St. Jude. Their success in the former gave them a voice they used in the latter, building on his legacy of love and healing.
Amar Gajjar, MD: Part of a 'much larger mission'
When Amar Gajjar, MD, arrived at St. Jude in 1987, the research hospital's medulloblastoma program was in its infancy. At that time, survival rates were low. He decided to make it his career to improve those outcomes.
Robert Vargas: Finding artistic inspiration from St. Jude
Robert Vargas, a Los Angeles-based artist, sees parallels between his massive, colorful murals and the work that is being done at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Kevin Burpee: Making a difference through giving
Kevin Burpee calls St. Jude “a life-changing organization” and not only for the patients who receive treatment at the research hospital in Memphis. It's one reason he's such an ardent supporter.
Sarah Shaw: Becoming part of St. Jude's 'magical story'
Sarah Shaw works in publishing and loves a good story. She was captivated by the story of St. Jude. Now she’s helping to write it.
Esther Obeng, MD, PhD: Drawn to curing the incurable
At St. Jude, Esther Obeng, MD, PhD, found a blend of her passions: treating patients as a physician and conducting research aimed at finding new therapies and cures.
Danny Thomas: Founding St. Jude
St. Jude founder Danny Thomas said no child should die in the dawn of life. Sixty years after the doors of St. Jude opened, doctors and scientists are committed to improving childhood cancer survival rates around the world.
St. Jude mom Jayne: Danny Thomas' dream inspires and saves lives
Jayne found hope at St. Jude for her daughter Claire, who was diagnosed with medulloblastoma. Her family wants to be part of ensuring St. Jude is a place of hope far into the future.
Donnie McClurkin: Remembering the early days of St. Jude
Singer-songwriter and pastor Donnie McClurkin says he remembers the "Danny Thomas days" of St. Jude and he continues to be motivated by its mission to help children with cancer.