Shaloo Puri, MBBS, DTCD, MPH, MPA
- Senior Program Director, Global Scholars Program, Department of Global Pediatric Medicine
- Associate Dean, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
MBBS - University of Delhi, India
DTCD (Postgraduate) - University of Delhi, India
MPH (Global Health) - Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health, USA
MPA - Harvard Kennedy School, USA
Fellowships - Edward S. Mason Program in Public Policy and Management
Galbraith Fellowship - Harvard Kennedy School
Research Fellowship - Mossavar Rahmani Center for Business and Government, Harvard Kennedy School
Dr. Shaloo Puri is a global health leader with more than 24 years of progressive experience and transformational impact in complex multi-sectoral settings at country and global levels. She has held leadership positions in eminent organizations including Harvard University, World Economic Forum and World Health Organization (WHO), working in collaboration with USAID, Global Fund, Gates Foundation, World Bank, other development and UN agencies, and public and private sectors. Her career has traversed clinical medicine, research, policy analysis, leadership and management of grassroots, national and global health organizations and interventions. Dr. Puri is known to be a distinguished thought leader with expertise in innovative multi-stakeholder partnerships across the spectrum of global health and health systems.
Raised in India, she studied medicine and specialized in pulmonology. Stirred by the narratives of her patients and a burning desire to explore the linkage of health, development and poverty, she stepped out of the clinical set up and re-routed her professional journey to explore the larger landscape of public health. She spent several years working in some of the remotest, destitute villages in India with civil society organizations, to improve the health status of, and empowering the most vulnerable. She takes special pride in the award of “Top ten local heroes” that she received as one of the local heroes worldwide for her work in disaster-hit regions, amongst other honors that she has received and remained committed to public service.
She moved on to work with the World Health Organization to advise the Government of India on cross-sectoral partnerships in health, followed by her work as the Country Representative, India and Advisor to the World Economic Forum’s Global Health Initiative. Here she led multi-stakeholder alliances in India, South Africa and China, coalitions that brought together businesses, NGOs and the public sector to work collaboratively on health issues. She developed the first ever guidelines for business sector engagement in Tuberculosis control and continues to provide strategic advice to UN agencies, national governments, business sector and NGOs on global health challenges as a member of technical advisory groups of WHO, ILO, UNAIDS and a board member of NGOs and academic institutions. After continuing her education at Harvard University, she was engaged in policy research on health systems and public private partnerships and health sector reform initiatives for several countries.
In July, 2018, Dr. Puri moved to St. Jude from the Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health, where she was directing the Doctor of Public Health Program (DrPH). At St. Jude, she will be directing the St. Jude Global Graduate Studies and is designing a Master of Science in Global Child Health Program that will be offered through the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in collaboration with GPM. The Program will offer a unique transformative educational opportunity for health professionals from across the globe. It aims to equip students with knowledge, tools and skills that will enable them to: assemble and assimilate scientific evidence; apply analytical tools and integrative thinking to develop evidence-based policies and programs; acquire leadership and management skills to bring about positive change; and ultimately identify and implement the necessary changes to systems that will improve the treatment and care of childhood cancers and catastrophic illnesses. Dr. Puri will also be working to guide and support other GPM teams and transversal programs.
Key Policy Papers, Technical Reports and Other Publications
- Case studies on Health Systems of Austria, Canada, Chile, Singapore and Taiwan and Framework for Comparative Policy Analysis of Health systems, Malaysia Health Systems Reform Project, Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health, 2015
- Policy Paper on Health Policy for Migrant Workers in Qatar: Policy Considerations, Puri S, Atun, R. Harvard University, 2015.
- Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Health Policy for Migrant Workers in the State of Qatar, Puri S, Atun R, Harvard University, 2015. Submitted to the Qatar Government
- Report on Coverage, Utilization and Health Status of Migrant Workers globally and in Qatar, Ahmed S, Koussa M, Chai J, Puri S, Atun R, Harvard University, 2015. Submitted to the Qatar Government
- Qatar Health Care Package of Benefits for Immigrant Laborers - benchmarking package of benefits, Atun R, Puri S, et al. Harvard University, 2015. Submitted to the Qatar Government
- Opinion piece on Critical Analysis of Proposed Legislation on Risk Pooling for a New Social Security Program for >65 Years in India, 2014. Presented at Harvard Kennedy School
- Strategy paper on Addressing Accountability Challenges of Global Partnerships, 2013. Presented at Harvard Kennedy School
- Evaluation report and organizational strategy paper, Review of Stop TB Partnership, Canada, 2013. Submitted to Stop TB Partnership, Canada
- Initial draft of Working Together With Businesses- Guidance on TB And TB/ HIV Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care in the Workplace. UNAIDS, ILO and WHO, 2012. Retrieved from http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/44833/9789241503228_eng.pdf;jsessionid=78DD871BE87 EC1CD3F13024CAD918EAD?sequence=1
- Policy paper on Reducing Out- Of- Pocket Health Expenditures in an Emerging Economy- India, Political and Policy Analysis, 2012. Presented at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
- Report on Tackling Tuberculosis: The Business Response, World Economic Forum in cooperation with Harvard School of Public Health, 2008. Retrieved from http://datafordecisions.net/wp- content/uploads/2014/05/TBandBusinessMarch-2008.pdf
- Protecting Your Workforce From Tuberculosis: A Toolkit for an Integrated Approach to TB and HIV for Businesses in South Africa, World Economic Forum in cooperation with the Lilly MDR TB Partnership, 2008; adapted to the Indian and Chinese contexts. Retrieved from http://www.justice.gov.za/vg/hiv/docs/tb/TB_Protecting_workforce.pdf