In the award-winning Danny and Rose Marie Thomas Memorial Garden, two cascading waterfalls take your mind away from the noise of downtown traffic.
The garden contains more than 60 trees, including dogwoods, white pines, blue cypress, elms, red oaks and crepe myrtles, which also serve as a buffer from noise and the city environment. Shrubs and greenery, such as carrisa hollies, blue rug junipers and azaleas, and seasonal flowers add to the garden’s beauty. St. Jude families, staff and visitors alike enjoy this quiet, contemplative setting as a haven from their day-to-day activities.

The award-winning garden, which frames the burial crypt of St. Jude founder Danny Thomas and his wife, Rose Marie Thomas, is adjacent to the Danny Thomas / ALSAC Pavilion.
Designer Robert Green worked with the Thomas family to create the Danny and Rose Marie Thomas Memorial Garden.
The funds to build the Danny and Rose Marie Thomas Memorial Garden and the Danny Thomas / ALSAC Pavilion were raised by the Thomas family and members of the ALSAC / St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, the governing body of St. Jude and ALSAC.