Step 1
Volunteer for St. Jude, with opportunities available nationwide. If you've recently volunteered for St. Jude, skip to Step 2.
Step 2
Search in the bar above to see if your company offers a volunteer grants program.
Step 3
Follow the instructions in the search results to have your volunteer hours to St. Jude matched by your employer.

Learn more about Volunteer Grants:
A volunteer match, or a volunteer grant, is when a person volunteers to a non-profit organization and their employer donates a monetary amount to match their efforts. A volunteer match is a great way for a donor to add monetary value to their contribution to help support the kids of St. Jude in finding cures for childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
Visit our Volunteer Grants page and use the search function to find the name of your company. If your employer has matched volunteer hours to St. Jude in the past, you’ll find resources specific to the company such as minimum and maximum match amounts, program guidelines and information on getting your donation match to St. Jude.
To make a volunteer match, first go to our Volunteer Grants page and use our search tool to find your employer. If the company is in our database, select it and you will see the specific instructions for that company’s volunteer grants program. Parent and subsidiary companies within organizations have different requirements and procedures, so please search for each company individually.
Browse all our FAQs.
Your matched volunteer hours support the mission of St. Jude
Every employer matches a different amount. Here's how donations help St. Jude kids and their families.
A $50 donation could provide one blood platelet count test*
Doctors use platelet count tests to monitor patient health during treatment.
Artwork by Gabby, sibling of St. Jude patient Isabella
A $100 donation could provide a pair of pediatric crutches*
Crutches sized especially for children help them maneuver during treatment.
Artwork inspired by St. Jude patient Madison
A $250 donation could provide a red blood cell transfusion*
Children undergoing treatment for cancer and other life-threatening diseases often need transfusions.
Artwork by St. Jude patient Jenny
A $500 donation could provide one hour of physical therapy*
Physical therapy helps ensure every child treated here enjoys the highest quality of life possible.
Artwork by Kamara, sibling of St. Jude patient Ronald
A $1,000 donation could provide one day of oxygen for a patient*
During treatment, St. Jude patients may need oxygen to help their bodies function properly and aid in healing.
Artwork by St. Jude patient Gavyn
*When you make a donation using this information, your donation will be used to provide breakthrough research, treatment and cures. Items listed here are representative of services and supplies that are part of the treatment and care of children at St. Jude. The cost of each item or service is an approximation, and will vary based on actual costs incurred and individual patient needs. Your donation will be used for the general operating needs of St. Jude, where no family ever receives a bill for treatment, lodging, travel or food.

You can mail, email or fax your completed form to:
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
ATTN: Matching Gifts
501 St. Jude Place
Memphis, TN 38105
Fax number: (901) 578-2809
Questions? Call us: (800) 871-2759
I'm grateful for every dollar that anybody gives [to St. Jude], because that's why my child is still here. That's why she's still alive, from the donations.
Angel, Eri'Elle's mom

St. Jude patient Eri'Elle with her mom and grandmother

Other ways to give in the workplace