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Add the Instagram Donation Sticker for nonprofits


Supporters can now fundraise for St. Jude through Instagram Stories. St. Jude was selected to be featured in the limited rollout of Instagram's new Donation Sticker.


MEMPHIS, Tenn. (May 1, 2019) — The social media company Instagram announced it would add a new feature in its app to raise money for charities. This new functionality, called Donation Sticker, is located in the Stories feature of the mobile app. During the launch, Instagram highlighted a limited number of charities to participate in this new feature, of which St. Jude was selected. Formatted similar to Facebook Fundraisers, a feature on its sister application, Facebook, the Donation Sticker allows people to create a fundraiser within the app and encourage their followers to contribute. Instagram allows for donations between $5 - $2,500 per contribution. Generally, Instagram Stories expire after 24 hours. However, you can add the story to your profile as a "Highlight," which will allow people to continue donating to your fundraiser until you delete the Story. 

Almost a billion people are on Instagram each month, and more than 500 million of them use the platform every day. This reality presents exciting opportunities for new audiences to join the lifesaving mission of St. Jude: Finding cures. Saving children.® This feature is only being offered in the U.S. There is no processing fee, and 100% of money that users raise goes to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.


How to add a donation sticker for nonprofits on Instagram

instagram donation sticker how to process

Step 1: Open up your own Instagram Story in the upper left corner of the app

instagram donation sticker how to process

Step 2: Take a photo or video with your camera, or upload your own. Then, select the Sticker Tray (located via the peeling smiley face) to find the donation sticker.

instagram donation sticker how to process

Step 3: After adding the sticker, search and select stjude

instagram donation sticker how to process

Step 4: You can customize your fundraiser name, or just share it to your Story! (Note: Stories only last 24 hours. To make your Story last longer, Pin It to your profile.)
