It all happened so fast.

One day, Myla’s mom got the call at work that her little girl wasn’t feeling well. The next thing they knew, she was being rushed to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Four-year-old Myla had a type of blood cancer called acute megakaryoblastic leukemia.

It felt like a blow to my chest.
Families, like Myla's, will never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food.

At St. Jude, Myla received several months of chemotherapy, in an atmosphere her mom described as welcoming, comforting and diligent.
She loved visits from the St. Jude Paws at Play facility dog, Huckleberry, and painting with her Child Life Specialist.

We can get her life back on track without worrying about paying for anything.

Myla recently finished treatment.
“She is amazing,” Carmen said. “She is so strong.”