St. Jude Mental and Emotional Health Services

Trying to manage daily responsibilities and life events can be a challenge at times. Living Well’s wide-ranging mental and emotional health services help you and your families to manage daily life, including one-on-one counseling with our onsite behavioral counselor and information on parenting, adult care, health and wellness, stress management and financial services. Through Resources for Living mental and emotional support can be accessed 24/7, free of charge. Eligible employees and their eligible family members can receive counseling from a master's level clinician at any time when dealing with difficult personal and emotional problems, issues and situations. All calls and sessions are confidential and information will release only with written consent from the employee (or family member), when required by law or in life-threatening situations.
Examples of areas that their team can assist with:
- Family issues
- Marital and relationship difficulties
- Alcohol and drug abuse/dependency
- Anxiety or depression
- Gambling problems or other addictions
- Coping with life events, such as loss of a job, relocation and serious illness
- Grieving the loss of a loved one
- Coping with violence
- Managing stress
Frequently Asked Questions
Living Well offers a new comprehensive mental and emotional health services to help employees and their families handle work and life. Through Resources for Living, free support can be accessed 24/7. Eligible employees and family members can receive counseling at any time when dealing with difficult personal and emotional problems, issues and situations. All calls and sessions are confidential.
The new Resources for Living services are available now.
- To access these services and for information on the enhanced program, visit Use the below username and password to log on.
- Username: Stjude
- Password: Livingwell
- Call 1-833-721-2318 TTY 711 to schedule an appointment with a Resources for Living counselor
For additional information, email
- To access these services and for information on the enhanced program, visit Use the below username and password to log on.
All employees of St. Jude Research Children Hospital and its affiliated LLCs are eligible, including members of their household. Employees and their family members are not required to be enrolled in any other St. Jude benefit plan (including the medical plan) to take advantage of these mental and emotional health services. Active, in-residency PHD candidates (students) in St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences are also eligible.
- Unlimited calls for in the moment support with a masters’ level clinician
- Text Therapy
- 10 sessions per issue per year are available on the St. Jude plan
- Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (cCBT)
- In-person and virtual appointments available
All calls and sessions are confidential, and information will release only with written consent from the employee (or family member), when required by law or in life-threatening situations.
Resources for Living Overview
- All regular full-time and part-time employees of SJCRH and its affiliated LLCs.
- Members of the employee’s household
- Active, in-residency PHD candidates (students) in St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
- Employees and their family members are not required to be enrolled in any other St. Jude benefit plan (including the medical plan) to take advantage of these mental health support services.
Coverage and Services
- Use of Resource for Living mental and emotional support services are is free to all eligible employee and their eligible family members.
- Unlimited calls for in the moment support with a masters’ level clinician
- Text Therapy
- 10 sessions per issue per year are available on the St. Jude plan
- Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (cCBT)
- In-person and virtual appointments available
- Use the username and password below to log on.
- Username: Stjude
- Password: Livingwell
Work/Life Support Services
Living Well provides employees with tools and resources to help them achieve balance between their work life and family life.
Program highlights: Work/Life Balance seminars, and promotion of related St. Jude Benefits (i.e. Family Sick Leave, Group Legal Plan, Daycare, Discounts)
Trying to manage daily responsibilities and life events can be a real challenge at times. Fortunately, Living Well offers Resources for Living, which gives you the valuable and timely knowledge you need to manage your daily life, including information on parenting, adult care, health and wellness, stress management and financial services.
- 24/7 online access to a 60,000-page Web site
- Customized, confidential Resource Center on Web site
- Toll-free number with referral services
- On-site monthly workshops
- Special interest blogs, podcasts and on-line seminars
- Employee discounts via the online discount center
To access these resources, visit The username is Stjude, and the password is Livingwell.