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I'm having trouble viewing the Web site.

  1. Windows requires Microsoft Internet Explorer
    6.0 or higher, Firefox 3 and its predecessors, Safari 4 and its predecessors, or other compatible browsers that support CSS, XHTML and the DOM (a universal means of controlling the behavior of Web pages). Also some features require the Flash 6.0 (or higher) plug-in.


    Macintosh requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher, Firefox 3 and its predecessors, Safari 4 and its predecessors, or other compatible browsers that support CSS, XHTML and the DOM (a universal means of controlling the behavior of Web pages): Netscape Navigator should be 7.0 or higher. Also some features require the Flash 6.0 (or higher) plug-in.

  2. Windows

    From your browser, go to the Help menu and choose "About...." A screen will appear showing which browser and version you are using.



    From your browser, go to the Apple menu. Choose either "About Netscape" or "About Internet Explorer." A screen will appear showing which version you are using.

  3. How do I upgrade to another browser? 

    • Internet Explorer
      Go to Microsoft Internet Explorer Download. Instructions provided there will help you with download and installation.
    • Mozilla FireFox (windows)
      Go to Firefox Download. Instructions provided there will help you with download and installation.
    • Apple’s Safari (Mac OS X)
      Go to Safari download. Instructions provided there will help you with download and installation.
    • Camino (Mac OS X)
  4. Browsers. Using older browsers, non-compatible browsers or disabling browser features, such as Javascript, cookies and SSL, may reduce site functionality. The site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to format layout.

    Firewalls. If you are accessing through a firewall or proxy, check with your network administrator to determine if cookies are permitted. 

    Pop-Up Blockers
    . If you have a pop-up blocker installed, it may also prevent some functionality on our site.

  5. We periodically send e-mail newsletters to our donors and other St. Jude friends. These are opt-in newsletters, and these messages are always sent with a method to unsubscribe. Some e-mails we send are HopelineMath-A-Thon Coordinator Update, and Dream Home Update. If you suspect you are getting unsolicited e-mails please let us know; please e-mail us at

    To manage your e-mail preferences, please visit the E-mail Management Center.

  6. Sure. Please review our Linking Policy. If you meet those requirements, you can use our public service announcement banner ads as well.

  7. No. We discourage the use of our photos, due to sensitive patient privacy agreements we have with patients and their parents. If you’d like to include a patient story on your website, link to our Patient of the Month page at

  8. You must not use “St. Jude” or “St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital” in your online listing, either in the title of the item or in the description of the auction item. Do not use wording such as “XYZ merchandise to support St. Jude” or “proceeds to support St. Jude”, etc. We suggest use of the eBay Giving Works program which allows merchandise to be auctioned to benefit St. Jude.

  9. No. Please view the Privacy Policy for more information.

Updated: September 2009
