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In this issue . . .
Reading Skills: Windows to the World
By pinpointing cognitive skills necessary for reading, scientists work to improve quality of life for hearing-impaired brain tumor survivors.
One Million Dollars: Mission Possible
In an effort to give back to the hospital that saved his life, a St. Jude patient raises an army of fundraisers working toward a single goal.
When It Comes to Quality, Safety Matters
St. Jude sets the standard for quality, patient care and clinical improvement science for children with life-threatening diseases.
Integrative Medicine: Body, Mind and Spirit
An integrative medicine program offers a new level of holistic care to St. Jude patients.
New HIV Cases: Operation Zero
St. Jude sets a goal of having zero new HIV cases in Memphis by 2030.
DIPG: Focused Steps
St. Jude clinical trial tests chemotherapy that crosses the blood-brain barrier to reach a deadly brain tumor.
Generosity Makes an Impact
After researching St. Jude, one businessman supports the hospital’s work to find cures, save children and share knowledge worldwide.
Radiation and Ependymoma: The Sweet Taste of Success
With more than a decade of follow-up, results from a newly published clinical trial show that radiation after surgery triples survival for kids with ependymoma.
Melanoma Mutation: Hide and Seek
St. Jude researchers find a new melanoma mutation in kids and adults.
Life after St. Jude: A Positive Outlook
How St. Jude helped me take control of my health and set a course for helping others.
Glamour and Glitz
St. Jude Child Life hosts Teen Formal and other events to provide patients with a sense of normalcy during treatment.
News and Highlights - Summer 2019
Read about faculty honors; p27; vaccines; ALL treatment; lupus-related kidney disease; cell-killing necroptosis; Lou Gehrig disease; bone cancer mutations; genomic analysis of acute erythroid leukemia; flu and strep; and more.