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In this issue . . .
Medulloblastoma: DNA Points the Way
Find out about how the discovery of 6 inherited gene mutations in medulloblastoma prompted the proposed guidelines for genetic counseling and testing when treating this type of brain cancer.
A fun, informative cooking class offers a delicious smorgasbord of benefits for patients and families.
Cloud with a Gold Lining
St. Jude Cloud provides a way for researchers to quickly share information in the world's largest public collection of pediatric cancer genomics data.
Spurred into Action: Discovering the Origins of Rhabdomyosarcoma
In the race to increase survival rates for the soft-tissue cancer, one researcher proved rhabdomyosarcoma can originate in the inner surface of blood vessels.
A Friendship and a Legacy
While estate planning, a couple found the benefits of giving a life insurance policy to St. Jude — get a tax break, pay over time, and maximize the gift for St. Jude patients.
What's Your Reason to Walk?
Gratitude is the reason Team Griffin hits the pavement during the St. Jude Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer.
Saving the World's Most Vulnerable Children
Learn how St. Jude helps save lives for Syrian refugee children with cancer and how international efforts are expanding in Middle East and Mediterranean regions.
Reflections on Survivors' Social Connections
Young cancer survivors face unique challenges when it comes to bonding on social media. Learn how a study of these connections is helping inform support plans for patients in treatment.
Partners for HIV Prevention
St. Jude partners with the community to bring cutting-edge HIV prevention and education to at-risk youth.
From Student to Scientist: The St. Jude Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Receiving dedicated advising and mentorship by world-class biomedical researchers has inspired the inaugural class of the graduate school to become more than just students.
Life After Treatment: My Legacy
A long-term cancer survivor shares his story of St. Jude, how cancer shaped his life, and what his life is like after remission.
Taking St. Jude to the World
St. Jude Global is a new initiative to improve access to care for children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases all over the world.
Research Highlights - Summer 2018
Read about the latest discoveries: medulloblastoma infant SHH-II subtype; a rogue protein; a 4th ALL predisposition gene; WHO partnership; crucial flu mutation; neurocognitive problems; preventing infections.