Department of Biostatistics


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Xiong, Tan, and Boyett (2003) introduce SCPRT methods for sequential designs of clinical trials for which the sequential test statistic can be approximated by Brownian motion on information time [0,1]. Xiong, Tan, and Boyett (2006) introduce SCPRT methods for monitoring clinical trials against historical controls.

Download Executable file for Windows (SCPRTinfWin.exe) and Documentation (Manual-SCPRT) to implement the procedures.


Xiong (1995) introduces the general principle and methods of SCPRT and the detailed method for binary data. Tan and Xiong (1996) compare the SCPRT method with other sequential methods for clinical trials with binary data.

Download Zipped computer program package which includes the executable file, help file, documentation, and example data files to implement the procedures.