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Robin Mutz, chief nurse executive at St. Jude, has nearly 40 years’ experience in nursing and shares her story about why the HPV vaccine is so important.
One of my dear friends recently passed away because of treatment-related complications of stage 4 cervical cancer.
When her husband called me with the news, I knew what that meant. Every year in the United States, the human papillomavirus (HPV) causes 33,700 cancers in men and women. The HPV vaccine can prevent most of the cancers (about 31,200) from ever developing. Here’s are 5 things to know about HPV and cancer.
My dear friend never had the opportunity to receive the vaccine. When her son went to his physician to get the HPV vaccine, his doctor told him the vaccine was only for girls.
There is so much misinformation about HPV and the vaccine. As health care providers, we are obligated to educate our communities, health care providers, third party payors and legislators. Everyone should have the opportunity of many more reunion weekends, not have life halted from something that was preventable. We must stop HPV-related cancers. It’s preventable.
HPV cancer prevention begins with you.
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