The buzz about the garden
During the past year, about 20,000 bees have been added to the St. Jude Garden to improve pollination in the space. St. Jude was one of the nation’s first hospitals to create a garden dedicated to growing vegetables and herbs for consumption by patients, families, staff and visitors. Most of the garden’s bounty is consumed in the hospital’s cafeteria. The garden team expects to harvest more than 7,000 pounds of produce from the garden in 2018.

Sharing science
During the hospital’s recent Faculty Postdoctoral Poster Session, Himy Muniz-Talavera, PhD (at left), of St. Jude Developmental Neurobiology explains her research to Fatima Rivas, PhD, of St. Jude Chemical Biology and Therapeutics. The annual event features a variety of posters from St. Jude faculty and coincides with a visit of the hospital’s Scientific Advisory Board.

Creative expression
Eighteen-year-old Serafin Garcia displays his artwork during the 2018 Teen Art Show. Garcia and other teenagers described their creative works in detail before a crowd of family members and St. Jude employees. The pieces are now on display in the hospital’s Teen Art Gallery.
From Promise, Spring 2018