Emma is thinking how weird it is that cows sleep standing up. Not about HPV cancers.

Your preteen isn’t thinking about HPV vaccination—that’s why you need to. 

“On-Time” Vaccination is Best

Vaccination is Best

HPV vaccination is most effective when completed by the 13th birthday.

Maximize HPV Protection

HPV vaccination today protects your child in adulthood.

Long-Lasting Protection

Studies show HPV vaccination during childhood remains effective into adulthood.

HPV Vaccination Schedule & Dosing 

For most children aged 9-12, HPV vaccination requires 2 doses. Ask your child’s healthcare provider what’s right for them.

First Dose 

Your child is due for their first HPV vaccination when they turn 9.

Second Dose 

Administered between 6-12 months after the first dose.

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A mother caring for her daughter with her hand resting on the young girl's forehead.

A Cancer Prevention Revolution

HPV vaccination has dramatically reduced the number of HPV cancers.

HPV vaccination can prevent more than 90% of HPV cancers.

For those ages 9–26, HPV vaccination is covered by almost every health insurance plan in the United States.

HPV vaccines are safe. With more than 500 million doses administered worldwide, HPV vaccines are an effective method of preventing new cases of cancer.

HPV vaccination today gives your child long-lasting protection against 6 types of HPV cancer.​

Frequently Asked Questions

Resources for Parents and Caregivers

Get HPV Vaccination Reminders

Don’t let your child’s window for on-time vaccination slip by. Schedule a reminder in your calendar, and make sure your child is protected.

Are You a Healthcare Provider?

Show your support for HPV vaccination and help protect your patients.