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Investigators at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital have performed several large scale projects interrogating genomic alterations in acute leukemia and related disorders using a variety of complementary approaches. These include examination of DNA copy number alterations and loss of heterozygosity using single nucleotide polymorphism arrays and oligonucleotide array-CGH; gene expression profiling; methylation analysis, and gene resequencing. A list of recent publications describing these data are provided below. Much of the Affymetrix Gene Expression and SNP microarray data was initially deposited in the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO). Due to privacy concerns, the primary SNP array data is no longer available with unrestricted access. Individuals wishing to obtain this data for research purposes may request access using the link below.
The data is provided as Affymetrix .CEL and .CHP (and/or SNP call TXT) files. SNP genotyping and the generation of .CHP and .TXT files has been performed by standard means (Affymetrix GTYPE v4, and birdseed v2 implemented in Affymetrix Genotyping Console) Chip identifiers linking the chips to samples described in each publication are also provided.
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*See also: ALL-SNP5
*See also: ALL-SNP4
See also: ALL-SNP3
*See also: ALL-SNP2
*See also: ALL-SNP1
Charles Mullighan, MBBS(Hons), MSc, MD
Member, St. Jude Faculty
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Department of Pathology
262 Danny Thomas Place
Pathology, Mail Stop 342, Room D4047E
Memphis, TN, 38105
T: 901-595-3387
F: 901-595-5947