2022 Archive

Qingfei Pan and Jiyang Yu
Qingfei Pan and Jiyang Yu

Math test points metastatic breast cancer treatment in the right direction

Alex Generous, PhD

St. Jude computational biologists created a computational score predicting cancer drug sensitivity to HDAC6 inhibitors in a promising phase Ib clinical trial.

Hearing soundboard
Hearing soundboard

Diagnostic Imaging receives hospital’s first Expanded Access use designation from FDA

Matt Gaschk

St. Jude received the hospital’s first expanded access designation from the FDA for use of PET scans with [11C]Methionine a tracer that makes imaging results clearer.

Scientist in lab wearing gloves and with bunsen burner on
Scientist in lab wearing gloves and with bunsen burner on

On the road to resistance: How bacteria can win the game of life ‘with a little help from their friends’

Erin Podolak, MA

St. Jude scientists have learned that bacteria are more successful at developing antibiotic resistance when they swap genes through recombination.

Sickle cell road to adulthood
Sickle cell road to adulthood

St. Jude advice to young adults with sickle cell disease: Stay connected

Mary Powers

The St. Jude Methodist Sickle Cell Disease Transition Clinic helps patients move from pediatric to adult care, an important stage where patients often experience roadblocks to maintaining their health.

craniopharyngioma brain scan
craniopharyngioma brain scan

Studies of rare craniopharyngioma reveal ways to improve long-term outcomes for patients

Erin Podolak, MA

A St. Jude clinical trial launched more than 25 years ago has helped to transform understanding and care for children with the brain tumor craniopharyngioma.

2023 Global Alliance meetng
2023 Global Alliance meetng

’Amazing effort’ brings Global Alliance to new heights at 2022 Convening

Matt Gaschk

The 2022 St. Jude Global Alliance Convening brought together researchers from around the globe working to advance cures for children with catastrophic childhood diseases.

Stacey Ogden
Stacey Ogden

Lessons Learned: How to Mentor Scientists

Stacey Ogden, PhD

Stacey Ogden, PhD, shares mentoring advice for scientists setting up their first laboratory as a principal investigator.


Latin American hospitals implement tool to identify kids whose condition is deteriorating

Mary Powers

Flexible and tailored implementation strategies helped pediatric cancer centers across Latin America scale up a proven quality improvement strategy.

stem in classroom
stem in classroom

Learning environments shape views of STEM

Robyn Pennella and Kate Ayers

Research suggests the influence of STEM teachers on the STEM identities and attitudes of elementary school students extend to after-school STEM clubs.

Hearing soundboard
Hearing soundboard

New model mimics progression of pediatric bone marrow failure

Alex Generous, PhD

St. Jude scientists have created the first model that faithfully recapitulates details of pediatric bone marrow failure.