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An artistic rendering of epigenetic clocks, showing golden pocket watches on DNA chains that are melting in a surreal desert landscape, evoking artist Salvador Dalí. Graphic by Briana Williams.
Events that occur during our lifetimes have an accumulative impact on our bodies and chronological age does not always reflect biological age. In The Portrait of Dorian Gray, the famous book by Oscar Wilde, the protagonist has a mysterious painting of himself tucked away in an attic reflecting decades of vice that was not obvious by looking at him directly. Similar to Gray, over time people can be of a certain chronological age, but events that cause trauma or harm to the body cause their biological age to differ.
Even if two individuals are identical twins with the same DNA, the one that prioritizes exercise and nutrition will have a younger biological age. The biological root of such differences includes epigenetics: how DNA is modified and regulated without changing its sequence. In some people, biological age is accelerated, which scientists have shown is related to alterations of certain epigenetic markers.
“People can be the same chronological age, but biologically they are different,” said Zhaoming Wang, PhD, St. Jude Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control, whose research focuses on the relationship between epigenetics, aging and disease risk. “Epigenetic age is one way to measure biological age. We look at methylation markers on DNA that were previously selected and built into various epigenetic clocks to estimate biological age.”
By looking at epigenetic aging, scientists can learn things about people that may be obscure from simply observing their chronological age. This information could be useful to help people protect or improve their health. For example, those with accelerated aging are at higher risk for age-related chronic health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease. Once someone understands their increased risk, they can make changes to their lifestyles (e.g., exercise, diet and nutrition) to slow down the biological aging process and potentially start appropriate medical care to reduce that risk.
The first step, however, is to measure epigenetic age.
DNA is the code for life. The cell transcribes that code from DNA into RNA using a suite of proteins which need to physically access the DNA. Therefore, certain chemical modifications either open DNA to be read by transcription machinery encompassing these proteins, or close and pack DNA so it is inaccessible, which prevents transcription. Scientists measure epigenetic age by looking at how those chemical modifications are distributed on DNA.
One major type of DNA modification is methylation, where small methyl groups are added to DNA. The methyl groups are hydrophobic (they avoid liquid), which forces DNA to close in the watery environment of the cell, hence reducing gene expression. That change in gene expression is one way these modifications impact biological age. Studying the pattern of methylation markers and how they relate to age led to the novel concept of an epigenetic clock – a way to measure age using these epigenetic markers.
“The first clock used DNA methylation markers to correlate directly with chronological age,” Wang said. “The chronological age-related biomarkers were selected by a statistical model and formed the Horvath clock. Since then, over a dozen clocks have been developed by colleagues in the same field.”
Epigenetic clocks differ due to the methodology used to create them. While the first-generation clock mostly equated chronological and biological age, the second-generation clocks that model biological age instead of chronological age demonstrate better predictive power of age-related health conditions and have a greater potential to be used as objective metrics measuring the efficacy of interventions aiming to remediate aging phenotypes.
“The emblematic second-generation epigenetic clock is PhenoAge,” Wang said. “PhenoAge is more reflective of physiological age because the creator incorporated blood chemistry, such as glucose levels, in its creation. These blood chemistry-based biomarkers are all age-related measures that go up or down as we age.”
By focusing on phenotypical age, PhenoAge provides people with a more relevant understanding of the practical realities of their aging process. When the PhenoAge was built, blood chemistry was collected. Its creator selected DNA methylation sites to predict PhenoAge, which encompasses a total of nine molecules (e.g., glucose) from the blood test.
The potential is huge, as all people have a vested interest in avoiding age-related disease. However, the highest potential may be for a group that collectively experiences significant epigenetic age acceleration: childhood cancer survivors. Pediatric cancer treatments often cause changes to DNA including long-term damage as a side effect of cancer treatment. Wang has focused his research on these at-risk individuals.
“Survivors appear much older biologically than the chronologically matched general population,” Wang explained. “They are different from the non-cancer population, as they experience a significant epigenetic age acceleration. They are so different that you cannot simply consider chronological age in this population. Ideally, we should use biological age when predicting the risk of future age-related disease onset.”
Though almost all childhood cancer survivors experience some epigenetic age acceleration, the experience is not the same across the whole group. Some have very minor inconveniences, while others age much faster and develop chronic conditions decades earlier than the general population.
Wang’s group investigates those differences using data from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study (St. Jude LIFE) and the Childhood Cancer Survivors Study (CCSS). The studies are two of the largest examinations of childhood cancer survivors, uncovering new potential avenues to help them lead better lives.
Cumulatively, Wang’s work has demonstrated that addressing genetic, treatment-related, as well as social, behavioral and environmental factors promises to slow accelerated epigenetic aging and remediate aging phenotypes in childhood cancer survivors.
“Quantifying epigenetic age acceleration has been the first step,” Wang concluded. “Our next step is to find and test interventions that address each source of epigenetic age acceleration, so our survivors can live longer, healthier lives.”