Please book airline travel and hotel with the St. Jude Travel Office three weeks prior to event, but no later than 14 days before travel event. They can be reached at 901-595-5000.
Please note that if travel planning deadlines are not met extra costs for St. Jude may be incurred.
If traveling by plane
Please book airline travel and hotel with the St. Jude Travel Office three weeks prior to event, but no later than 14 days before travel event. You will receive a travel itinerary after booking the flight. You will need to review your travel itinerary and approve the information.
We use Uber Business to help our Parent Advisers get to and from St. Jude. This awesome service will enable you to call for an Uber Driver whenever you need it in Memphis, and the ride will be direct billed to St. Jude. No more need for pre-scheduled cabs or shuttles! When you schedule your ride, you’ll be able to see the estimated arrival time. At the airport and in the downtown area there are plenty of Uber drivers and arrival times should be quick. Have your ID badge ready when you are being dropped off. As the Uber driver approaches a gate, show your St. Jude ID badge and explain you’re being dropped off. Your name will be checked against a visitor registration list that has been submitted before you are granted access to campus. Please allow extra time to get through this process. A Security office must escort Uber on campus.
(If you are interested in using the St. Jude Uber account let us know. You will receive an email invite to join!)
If you are using Uber, at the security gate your name will be checked against a visitor registration list that has been submitted before you are granted access to campus. Please allow extra time to get through this process.
If traveling by car
When trips longer than 250 miles one way are contemplated, the most economical and time saving method of transportation may not be the use of an automobile. In such cases, it is expected that you consider air travel. Should you receive approval to travel by automobile or rail for personal convenience, you will be reimbursed the lesser of mileage/rail costs plus parking or the 14-day advance airfare costs plus ground transportation and baggage fees.
Please contact the St. Jude Travel Office to book hotel reservations. You will receive a travel itinerary. You will need to review your travel itinerary and approve the information.
If you do not have a SJ parking hangtag, at the security gate your name will be checked against a visitor registration list that has been submitted before you are granted access to campus. Please allow extra time to get through this process.
Adviser travel tips
Review and approve your airline travel itinerary. It has your:
- Hotel confirmation number
- Flight arrival and departure information
- Contact information for travel assistance
For travel assistance while traveling
St. Jude Travel Office: 901-595-5000
Office hours are Mon-Thurs 7am-8pm Central Time. If calling outside US/Canada dial 901-236-0889
After Hours Emergency Travel Service: 888-387-7315
Your Emergency Assistance Code is S-O0OG
Travel expenses reimbursement
You may have expenses which St. Jude is able to reimburse. Some expenses are paid in advance by the St. Jude and some are initially paid by you and then reimbursed. Examples: parking, transportation if Uber is not available, baggage fees. Receipts are required for all items greater than $30 (except meal per diems and mileage).
Reimbursement for use of a personal vehicle will be reimbursed $15.00 for each round trip to/from the airport when airport parking is not also reimbursed.
Automobile mileage is reimbursed at a rate per mile that conforms to current IRS rulings for necessary business travel. The amount reimbursed for auto mileage is based on the direct mileage from the point of origin to the destination and vice versa.
You will be reimbursed for personal meal expenses at a rate consistent with U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Domestic Per Diem. The meal reimbursement for first and last travel days will be made at 75% of the per diem, consistent with the GSA. If a meal(s) is provided, the per diem will be reduced for the meal(s) provided.
Under normal circumstances, properly completed Travel Authorization and Travel Expense Report forms completed in the system by 5:00 pm on Thursday and being reimbursed by Direct Deposit will be paid the following week. So be sure to send in your expense information quickly so that we can get you reimbursed!