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Events for Siblings at St. Jude

St. Jude child life specialists put on special events for patients, siblings, and other family members. These events can be educational, inspiring, or just fun.

These are some of the events planned for patients and their siblings:

Child Life/Music Therapy Month  Each year during the month of March, a day is set aside to honor the work child life specialists and music therapists contribute to the children and their families. A celebration is planned for staff, patients, and families to learn about Child Life and Music Therapy. While learning about the professions, attendees have the opportunity to have fun by taking part in some of the entertainment and eating snacks!  This event always has a fun theme and everyone is encouraged to come together and have some fun!

Easter  Child Life hosts an Easter activity for all inpatients and their families. The Easter Bunny hops his way down the halls of St. Jude and delivers baskets to all the inpatient rooms. This is an event for the scrapbook, so parents get your cameras ready! Sweets for all!

Teen Formal – This celebrates one of the most important events in a teen’s life: prom.  Patients and their guests ages 15 to 19 are invited to dance the night away. Due to the generous donations of many local businesses and hospital partners, this glamorous evening complete with a red carpet, limousines, prom pictures, formal wear, and makeovers creates an unforgettable night for our teens and their guests.

Family Fun Day  Child Life hosts St. Jude Family Fun Day each year in May. The event includes many fun activities to encourage family togetherness. Families get to experience fun themes such as “A Night at the Movies” or “Vacation Destinations.” Activities have included a photo booth, caricature artist, arts/crafts, and food to match the themes. To help families relax, the evening concludes with a movie coinciding with the theme.

Sibling Star Day – Siblings are such an important part of the family, but the focus is often on a sick brother or sister during treatment. The annual St. Jude Sibling Star Day is a special event that honors siblings. It helps acknowledge the ways brothers and sisters help in the healing process and gives them a time to shine. The day includes an activity time for siblings ages 4- 19 years, a party for patients and families honoring and thanking siblings for all they do, and a ceremony and sibling trophy presentation.

Neon Night of Fun  In August, patients, siblings and guests ages 10-14 have a Neon Night of Fun in the Kay Kafe Rotunda. Each year, neon activities are provided to go along with the fun music provided by a local DJ. The famous chefs of St. Jude cater the event with great food that is sure to make the children glow! Since this event is for pre-teens only, something special is always planned for parents to do as well in a different location of the hospital.

Teen Art Show – At this one-day event, art by teenage patients and their siblings is displayed as it would be in a real art gallery. The event highlights St. Jude teen and young adult patients’ view of the hospital and other parts of life. The art includes photography, drawings, paintings, collage, music, beading, crochet, sculptures, and poetry.

Halloween – A multidisciplinary team puts together this hospital-wide event. Each year units pick a theme to transform their assigned area for one day. Patients and siblings who want to take part get a map of more than 50 stops around the hospital, plus a trick-or-treat bag. Sugar and smiles galore!
