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Quality of Life Parent Educator Training

Bereaved parent advisers have important experiences and perspectives to share. Parent Educators help others learn from their experiences.

Educators meet with St. Jude staff at events like End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC), Pediatric Palliative Oncology Symposium (PPOS), Fellows Training, and Nursing Orientation. They talk about understanding the parent perspective, approaching difficult conversations, and working with patients on palliative care.

In this role, parents can support the larger Quality of Life program by improving everyone’s quality of care through education. Be sure to read the parent educator manual and be prepared to review it with someone from the Quality of Life Team. If you have questions, you can email the Grief Support Coordinator.

  1. Be sure to read the parent educator manual and be prepared to review it with someone from the Quality of Life Team. If you have questions, you can email  the Grief Support Coordinator.

    Parent Educator Manual

  2. Under the direction of the Bereavement Coordinator and the Quality of Life Education Coordinator, parent educators participate in St. Jude Quality of Life educational events for healthcare professionals. Parent educators are formally trained in communication and presentation skills.

    Position Description: QoL Parent Educator
